- noun
- Menial work done for the communal good.
- Source
- The Dispossessed
- noun
- An optical character reader and universal language translator for text.
- Origin
- Derived from legere (to read) and Automat (machine).
- Source
- Changing Planes
- noun
- The essence of a person’s phylogenetic tradition.
- Origin
- Leptós (thin).
- Source
- The Godwhale
- noun
- A spaceship that travels at relativistic speeds.
- Source
- Weather
- noun
- Skyglow caused by neon advertisements featuring corporate logos.
- Origin
- Abbreviation of ‘logo glow’.
- Source
- Snow Crash
- noun
- An assassin hired to kill victims transported back in time from the future.
- Source
- Looper
- noun
- An advisor in matters of fealty.
- Source
- Surface Detail