- noun
- A computer-generated artificial actor appearing in motion pictures.
- Origin
- Portmanteau of ‘synthetic’ and ‘thespian’.
- Source
- Idoru
- noun informal
- A telepath.
- Source
- Solar Lottery
- noun
- A one-way telepath, able to transmit thoughts to others but unable to read minds.
- Origin
- Derived from ‘telepath’.
- Source
- The Stars My Destination
- noun
- A telephone able to place calls across time and space.
- Origin
- Derived from tempus (time) and phone (sound).
- Source
- The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
- noun
- Crewman aboard a time-travelling vessel.
- Origin
- Derived from tempus (time) and nautēs (sailor).
- Source
- A Little Something for Us Tempunauts
- noun
- The intrepid breed of men that go down into the uncharted seas of time gas below Earth’s crust.
- Origin
- Derived from terra (ground) and nautēs (traveller).
- Source
- The Night That All Time Broke Out
- noun
- A person who uses terrorism as a medium for artistic expression.
- Origin
- Portmanteau of ‘terrorist’ and ‘artist’.
- Source
- Neom
- adjective
- Relating to a theodicy (discourse justifying the ways of the gods).
- Origin
- Derived from theós (god) and díkē (justice).
- Source
- Events Preceding the Helvetican Renaissance
- noun
- The criminal act of holding unspoken beliefs or doubts that threaten the ruling party.
- Source
- Nineteen Eighty-Four