- noun informal
- A telepath.
- Source
- Solar Lottery
- noun
- A one-way telepath, able to transmit thoughts to others but unable to read minds.
- Origin
- Derived from ‘telepath’.
- Source
- The Stars My Destination
- noun
- A specialist in the analysis of alien technology.
- Origin
- Abbreviation of ‘xeno-technologist’.
- Source
- Gateway
- noun
- A device for sending and receiving wireless voice communications.
- Origin
- Formed from the prefix piezo- (relating to piezoelectricity) and phone (sound).
- Source
- Gateway
- noun
- A device for composing songs entirely by mechanical means.
- Origin
- Pairing of ‘verse’ with the French suffix -ificateur (to realise an action).
- Source
- Nineteen Eighty-Four
- noun
- A propulsion system for hyperspace travel.
- Source
- Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
- noun
- A person who has become murderously and irreversibly insane due to excessive genetic modification.
- Source
- Bioshock
- noun
- A class of Imperial citizens trained for supreme accomplishments of logic; human computers.
- Origin
- Possibly abbreviated from ‘mental attainment’.
- Source
- Dune