- noun
- A scientific field concerned with digitizing the personality of an individual.
- Source
- The Beast Has Died
- noun
- A device used to prepare a time traveller’s cellular structure and brain patterns for survival in their selected time period.
- Origin
- Derived from atavus (ancestor) and khrónos (time).
- Source
- Star Trek: The Original Series
- noun
- A miniature video camera with the ability to hover in the air.
- Origin
- Derived from vespa (wasp).
- Source
- Embassytown
- noun
- An artificial male lover.
- Source
- A Borrowed Man
- noun
- A two-dimensional video recording – contrast with trivid.
- Origin
- Presumed to be coined after the full potential image area of a lens.
- Source
- A Borrowed Man
- noun
- A reconstruction of a deceased person, cloned from their DNA and implanted with their scanned memories.
- Origin
- Portmanteau of ‘reconstruction’ and ‘clone’.
- Source
- A Borrowed Man
- noun
- A person who uses terrorism as a medium for artistic expression.
- Origin
- Portmanteau of ‘terrorist’ and ‘artist’.
- Source
- Neom
- noun
- A technology that can build any object from surrounding matter.
- Origin
- Portmanteau of ‘embryo’ and ‘mechanical’.
- Source
- Neom
- noun
- Artificial intelligence created by applying a software morphogenesis model to human genetic data.
- Origin
- Acronym of “autonomously developing artificial intelligence”.
- Source
- Singleton
- noun plural
- Marginally different strands of reality, caused by sequences of events where various different things happen with subatomic particles throughout the universe.
- Source
- Oracle