- adjective
- Able to distort time.
- Origin
- Formed from khrónos (time) and the suffix -pathic (abnormality).
- Source
- The Crime and the Glory of Commander Suzdal
- verb
- A method of faster-than-light travel that involves compressing space into two dimensions.
- Origin
- Pairing of ‘plane’ (a flat surface) and ‘form’.
- Source
- The Game of Rat and Dragon
- noun
- A community of women and children without an adult male presence.
- Source
- Solitude
- noun
- One’s fellow resident in a shared household.
- Source
- Coming of Age in Karhide
- noun
- A bio-synthetic being spawned from a mother-machine.
- Origin
- Naqal (imitation).
- Source
- Oblivion: A Journey
- noun
- Menial work done for the communal good.
- Source
- The Dispossessed
- noun informal
- A person who is sexually attracted to spacers.
- Origin
- Abbreviation of ‘free-fall-sexual-displacement complex’.
- Source
- Aye, and Gomorrah…